Thursday, April 20, 2006

Surfing the net for jobs? Beware of spammers

Hi Friends,

Check out this article from detailing the numerous risks that job seekers are exposed to while seeking jobs over the internet. The article also mentions some safeguards to be adopted for a safe job search.

The online job search exposes you to the web of scammers leaving your personal data accessible to all.

Surfing the net for jobs? Beware of spammers

Among various other things, technology and internet has made job hunting a much simpler exercise. A job seeker can post his/her resume for millions of prospective employers to see with just a click of the mouse. But beware! Millions of benefits aside, the online job search also exposes you to the web of scammers leaving your personal data wide open to the world, who can do anything under the sun with those vital statistics. And the intentions of those people who access your data under the garb of potential job providers are not always good.

The online job mart is emerging as a major hunting ground for those data acquirers, who sell this information for a good profit to those pesky tele-callers among others. This eventually leads to those irritating calls on your mobile phones selling you 'great deals' on credit cards, loans, brokerage accounts, holiday packages etc. What makes you more vulnerable to this online job search scam is the wide range of information available in your resume - ranging from your name and contact details to your job profile and income levels.

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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Which mutual fund suits you the best

Hi Friends,

This article on details out the various types of mutual funds available in the market and their suitability for individual investors, depending upon their risk profile and the overall investment profile.

Which mutual fund suits you the best

Mirror, mirror on the wall, which is the best fund of them all?

This seems to be the daunting question in the minds of all investors planning to park their money in mutual funds. While investing in mutual funds is considered to be much easier than building a portfolio of stocks on one’s own, the whole exercise is not really as simple as it appears. There are numerous types of mutual funds on the block, even if we do not consider the various copycat funds from different fund houses, focusing on similar sectors, indices and themes.

While the whole affair is not much of a task for seasoned investors, the beginners may feel lost in the jargon of open-ended, close-ended, equity, debt, diversified, tax gain, growth fund, income fund, bonus plan, diversified, balanced, sector funds and the alike. There are also the theme-based funds like achievers, super achievers, future leaders, leaders, tigers, rural India funds, three-in-one, hi-fi funds, etc to add to the confusion of the investors.

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